
I would like to dedicate this book to the spirit of collaboration, starting with my wife and our little ones. Without her support, insight, emotional availability, financial support, and love, this book would not be possible. I would also like to dedicate this to the teachers, professors,  and role models who inspired me, especially Dr. Solomon who presented on Cinematherapy® at Colorado College in 1997 and his continued support over the years.  As special thanks to those we’ve lost along the way including James Hillman who witnessed my growth as a psychologist and a human being at Pacifica Graduate Institute.   -JC

I would like to dedicate this book to the people who supported and inspired me during the long process of bringing this all together: my incredibly supportive partner, Andy Cookson; my beloved children, Sophia and Jonah; and, the countless clients, research participants, supervisors, and community members who courageously supported my proposals to bridge the gap between film/video and psychology, even when nobody knew where it would lead.  – LJ